Dec 11, 2008

Tiny the fish

In a strange turn of events, I now have a really tiny fish to take care of. I not entirely sure how this happen. With a colleague even claiming that I created Life.

As you probably know, I have a small Shrimps tank at work. It helps me to destress and keep me occupied. Till date there was never any fish of any sort that swam within the glass chambers.

Anyway here is what I suspect really happened. Just last week, I borrowed my colleague's filter to help clean up some dirt that has been lying around at the bottom of the tank. I din like having a filter for my tiny prawns as it gives them the creeps from the endless circulation and vibration.

So after using the filter for a work day, I unplugged it and returned it before I left. This probably happen on last Monday or so, but I cant be absolutely sure. What I am sure of, is that would scope up a cup of water every morning and replenish it with cleaner source.

Imagine the surprise I had on tuesday morning, when I saw a little dot, no bigger than a full stop, swimming around. At first I thought that this was a mosquito larva and I had been responsible for the Dengue fever a couple of months back. However on closer inspection, I realise it was not.

The larva would not have graze thru the water. It would simply wiggle endlessly till it matures. So could you imagine the surprise I had when I saw a little "fishlet" or baby fish.

Just today, I brought a container and scope up the little fellow into it. It was a feisty creature, knowing that it would be taken away and kept swimming low, hiding in the plant. Took me a while to get it out and nested in its new home. I then fed it with some protein like substance. A liquid diet which I gave my older fishlets a whole year and more ago.

In my thoughts, this is one lucky little guy. He managed to escape all the water changes which I may have killed plenty of his siblings. He also managed to escape his hungry parents (likely to be from my colleague's fish tank). I am sure he would live a long life.

Anyway, I decided that I shall call him Tiny. In no reference to the rock giant from dota.

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