Apr 8, 2009

Another blood donation

I donated blood once again on Monday. Frankly I have no idea how many times that would have been. You cant really keep track anything more than 5 these days.

Anyway, my iron (Hb) count for this donation was about 13.4. Its by no means high and for a couple of years now it has been the only obstacle to prevent me from giving more.

I believe it was 5 years back when my iron count was below 10. The nurse wont let me donate for the fear that I may become anemia. The cause for this... well I dont really know. Considering I never have any of the known causes.

My only guess was that I been a regular blood donor and after each sessions, I do not take care of my body well enough. Skipping on the necessary supplements and so on.

To date, I been turn away from donation a total of 3 times (its less than 5). I strive to keep it as that. Maintain my health and strength.

Oh and in other news Both Crayfish that I have at home and at work are dead. The cause of death is unknown. I suspect that they were properly in poor health before I even bought them. Guess I wont be going back to this shop any more.

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