Apr 3, 2009

The Bigger Prank

An incident in office trigger me to write this.

An innocent colleague whom seated near me was blasted by his boss just after lunch. There wasnt any profanity spoken but the tone used was rather harsh. A tone one would describe as insulting and demeaning.

The poor kid perhaps made a slight oversight. Or maybe just that he did not follow this idiot of a boss instruction to the detail. Regardless the case, he is still an adult and does not deserve the shouting.

I was in no position to step in. I do not know this kid, nor the manager personally. The loud mouth gave one last scolding before walking away. As I sat there quietly, I began to hear sniffing. This I dismissed it initially to be just the bad air or possibly flu.

Just then, I heard a loud sniff and knew its has nothing to do with the air. The kid was fighting back his tears, not to let others know of his emotions. As a man to another man, I know that he needs his space. Comfort and words would not help him at this moment. He just need time to settle his heartbeat and pick up the pieces to fight again.

(And yes if this happens to a female colleague, I wont sit still)

At this particular day, there is also wind of a possible security check. We were advise (indirectly) by our Deputy Dir that we should be more careful with our stuff. With that said, I kept all documents and would be dumping this laptop into the cabinet later.

Chatting with my friend, we thought it would be fun to PUNKED the security people. Shall we get a TOP SECRET file and fill it with junk and mark Happy April Fools and such? Sensing our dislike for BJ101, we thought of dumping this prank on his desk.

However, the better idea would be to dump this prank on that manager desk. It would be a sweet revenge

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