Jun 4, 2009

Half Marathon, anyone?

After complaining and struggling to complete the Std Chart 10Km run last Dec, I am seriously thinking of going for the 21km half marathon.

Its a tiny step upgrade from the 10km and at this very point of time, I wonder, How hard can it be?. Just start earlier and keep running only ma.

Well, nothing in life is easy, nor is it impossible. Just that you have to put your mind to it, set aside some training time and lastly, Just do it. The distance sounds like repeating my IPPT 10 times. And its possibly is. However, the satisfaction of merely completing this attempt would be a milestone for me.

The longest I ever ran was 8km without stopping. Trying to restart running after that was painfully difficult. Clamps and aches bite you when you stopped. I never know how I managed to struggle to complete the remaining distance. I just knew I did. The crowd was all around the finishing point and they cheer you on, all the remaining 1km of it.

You could almost feel what Bolt felt when he showboat his 100m winning run. You feel at the top of the world. And when you are there before, you would want to get back that feeling. At this moment, I urged for all to consider running with me. You wont need to compete in the same category.

Fuzk, Shups!, Verjean and even Inky, I hope you guys would be keen to come along.

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