Jul 27, 2009

The back rub

The 6-7 mths of gym session has slowly taken a toil on me. I never had any issues with my back but lately the stiffness is getting to me. It becomes increasing difficult to sleep properly and not to mention sit up straight while at work.

Some advices were given that I take my training in a lighter tone or that I stop this particular exercise till it gets better. However I din want to. Its not easy to get into shape and once there, I am frighten by the thought of staying away from it.

I had considered going for those back massage available all around. It would have been good to get the experts to break down my muscle tension and eases the aches. However I stumble upon the idea of getting a chair massager. One that I can use anytime and freely.

So over the weekend, I bought one and am pretty happy with the hard rubs it been giving me for the lower back. My family loves it too. Both my parents are suffering from back strain that this little chair fitter manage to help ease. Even my boney sister whom have no back muscle whatsoever seems to enjoy it.

I guess this is money well spent.

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