Jul 6, 2009


Firefly is a sci-fi tv series that lasted for only 1 season. In fact, it din complete it entire run before getting the boot. Apparently the producers canned it becos they din see the vast potential of this.

And like Star trek, Firefly became a cult hit. Fans all around gave raving reviews of the show and its cast. It became a big dvd hit and that lead to a tv movie being made.

The story is based on a bunch of renegades, crossing the solar system (not ours, since it sorta imply Earth no longer exist) doing "trades" and getting themselves in and out of trouble. The setting gives a old western cowboy feel to it. Which is an amusing concept given that they have a spaceship.

The cast is a bunch of interesting characters, with a preacher, , a companion, a doctor, a mechanic, and of course their charismatic captain. Its no star trek and I am very sure it would lose to NSS Enterprise in a starship battle. However I got a good feeling, the starfleet is no match to them in a one to one combat. (ok I am not sure on this either)

I had started catching this series mainly becos a certain terminator starred in it. Anyway.... you have to see it to appreciate this.

PS. Its called firefly due to the class of spaceship. The ship name is Serenity.

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