Jul 2, 2009

Level 3 chicken wings

Apparently my challenge to my 2 colleagues have generated some interest among other groups.

In particular my buddies whom I pop by oversea for training with. With an initial group of 6, we changed our primary target of dining at some coffeeshop French cuisine to Sunset.

I have not pop by there for a really long time. It could have been 1 year++ since I last drop by. While driving there, I lamented that the roads are properly laid with tarmac and that there were lines, street signs and even lighting. It used to be a horror experience bringing your date there where they would wonder if you gonna drag them to the bushes for a rape and murder.

Driving by, I revisited the little rooms and areas where I spend 3 weeks prior to my NS. It was then I met my good friend whom I sorta introduced to my company later on. I recall us staying in that small room, waiting for our chance to get to the sky. I recall we were so eager that we even volunteer to be passengers for the other students and even flown during the Youth Day event.

Such memories are somehow locked away in a single photo I have.

Anyway, my group ended up ordering a level 3 wings. Personally I could handle up to level 4 but with the numerous ulcers in my mouth, I chicken out on it. Everyone barely survive that experience. 1 even gave up after 1 bite. and the jug of beer was almost empty. Only 1 of us was happily enjoying his feast but sweating excessively.

I guess the tolerance is different for all of us. Though I think that challenging for level 10 would still be tough or even impossible. The friendly waiter strongly advised us not to.

PS. You could request for level 13. The ultimate challenge. I would just ring the Fire brigade for you.

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