Jan 4, 2010

Glow in the dark shrimps

A couple of nights back, I had the trouble sleeping. As I stared at my tank, I noticed a dim light floating around. As I am sure there is nothing there but cherry shrimps, I was enticed to confirm my doubts.

Its no doubt a single cherry shrimp that has been swimming around. No others were found to be lighted. And this little bugger must have been hungry, for its been swimming about the tank in circles.

I couldnt take a pic, even if I wanted to. My camera phone would just shine its mini light in the darkness. Long exposure also doesnt work for something this tiny.

Resign, I tried to find that little creature every night after. I had no luck since.

Looking to google for an answer, I found another whom discover this way before me. His post in the forum was rubbished by the others. I know that he is serious, but there would always be doubters among us.

No further scientific proof can be found. After all, this is but one small and unimportant shrimp. One that I do hope to meet again some day (night)

In other news, one of my CPO has been brought back to my home today. The small tank in my office has resulted them in some minor fights. Better to keep them apart for now.

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