Jan 4, 2010

What would you do, if you have no education?

Hmm I may have written about this before. And without a doubt, this friend of mine is asking for handouts once more.

Which lead to me to this question, what would you do if you do not have a proper education? For instance, what would you do, if you did not have even a N level cert?

Flipping thru the papers, you would find that there is nothing you could apply there. Every employer placing an advert would like to find a capable person to hire. A lack of a Secondary school education, kinda say that you aint.

Which leaves you only the remaining 2 options of getting hired thru recommendations or knocking on doors of potentials. (I rule out starting a business, for obvious reasons)

Ultimately, the job that would you be given would not pay you well. Just enough to scrap by. With that, savings becomes an issue. Further studies and a better life would not be possible for years to come.

Perhaps what my friend needs is a lifeline. Someone to throw him a rope to help him out of the hole he is in.

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