Jul 17, 2005

tanks at 2am

i was typing the previous post when suddent there is this loud engine like noise coming from the outside. normally strange stuffs like this only last a few seconds and goes away. most of the time i will just ignore it, concluding that its one of the many stranges noises of the night.....

this time, the noise went on for more than a minute. it prompt me to get off my butt and look out the window. i had assume the worst. a thermal nuclear device's core melting down. then i saw the largest driveby of army tanks. they just keep coming and coming. traffic police on bikes were escorting them. they look pretty tiny next to these beasts.

i do hope the tanks are moving by because of the National day rehearsal. otherwise i might assume the worst and get ready to put on my coverall and report for duty.

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