Mar 5, 2007


For months I have joined the gym with the intention of getting rid of my flabs. (well at least try to prevent myself from getting flabbier)

I was 75kg and my target is to drop to 70kg. A small target I set in order for me to have an objective in all my training.

Just years back, I was heaviest during my NS days at 85kg. Cant believe I was an eating machine where 6 meals a day is a norm. Gasps! This is scary considering I was underweight most of my life weighting just 50kg right up to my 20th birthday.

Yups. All hell broke loose in NS where the military taught me how to eat.

Anyway to cut the long boring girly weight issue short, I now weight about 70.8kg. Its enough for me now, for I am happy where I am.

Next challenge would be to attempt to pass my IPPT. How I wish I can find some ways to downgrade :P

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