Mar 28, 2007

More fishies news

Seem like my office is into fish fanatic. Just after the death of my sucker fish, my 2 lovely neighbors who sat on my front left and right side have both gotten a tank each and some fishies as well.

First I present to you one egg babies.

This is her initial setup, a recycle vase which contains a long lefty plant and 2 prawns last week. The prawns are way to small to be capture by Aileen

And here is the recent photo of her vase which has 2 new babies. I believe one of the is a guppy while the other looks like an angelfish. Anyway the guppy is donated by Eric who affectionately called her LinLin LiLi. The angelfish is currently nameless.

Now here is Emmeline collection. (I just realised my colleagues that surrounding me have names starting with E)

Emmeline with her second attempt (or is it 3rd) at keeping fish.

Its a lone fighting fish and we all know fighting fish are survivals. Very hardy creatures. Oh and there are 2 prawns and you can briefly see one of them.

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