Jun 16, 2008

Blood giving + Happy Father's day

Happy Father's day to all Fathers out there. Do take this time to get enjoy your day even though you might end up paying for your family meal. But well, just take it with a pinch of salt and stop comparing to Mother's day. You din have to go through 9 months (multiply by your number of kids) of labour.

Anyhow, I donated blood on the Friday the 13th. Its exactly my 27 times as the kind nurse whom pierce me said. I was also due for my Bronze award. It was given to those who donated 25 times. A small milestone for me.

It has been 9 years since I started and I am glad to help whenever I can. I laid next to an Indian dude whom hit 94 times. I intend to beat him at that one day.

Sadly I din managed to pull in any of my friends to come along. Even when I entice everyone with a free treat. However that doesnt stop me. Till next time, I would pester you all again in Sept.

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