Oct 14, 2008

evil thoughts

My fishes (the danios) are getting a little old....

Couple of months ago, my home tank which had a population of 20 cherry shrimps were wipe out in a couple of days. Its likely due to a lack of maintenance when I was overseas for 10 days. Back then I had an autotimer which fed the fishes their food. However this little timer is hard to control and likely it might have overfed them.

As such, the water gotten quite polluted and I am sadden by the loss.

The last couple of weeks, I been maintaining the tank frequently. The water conditions are back to its prime condition. And as such I have introduce new cherry shrimps once more. In the past, the condition and timing were optimal and within a couple of weeks, they were carrying their eggs and breeding happily.

I am seeking for them to populate the whole tank once more and began their breeding.

But there is a worry. My fishes always want to be the dominant species. They dun really attack the prawns, but enjoy teasing them endlessly. This would make it a tough environment to bring up ones young ones.

SOOOO well, I am considering getting rid of the fishes. Though I may keep the cory. Anyhow, my office has a feeder tank for the prawns to spawn in. They are hitting maturity in 2-3 months time. I guess I would see some activities here too.

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