Aug 7, 2005

60 years ago...

the atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima.

This brought a swift end to the war with the Japanese but not without consequences.
It showed to the world the might of a single deadly bomb.
It showed to the world the horror it caused.
And for those that survived, it caused them endless pain.

Yes , yes we probably heard that the Germans were also researching on that area and the american had to beat them to it. But all this 60 years of history, how sure are we on the truth of this issue. Could the Germans actually completed their research in time? Could they have accomplished it at all? We all dont know.

What we do know is that the history books are always written by the victors of the war. Which is in effect, a one sided story. Give 20 years from now, the real purposes behind the Iraq war would have been forgotten and replaced by the American truth.

Anyway I guess what I am trying to say is that atomic bomb was a devastating weapon. It should never been used. Its evil beyond doubt. Now with Nuclear technology the fear is even greater.

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