Aug 27, 2005

About my fights

Recent events led me to dig up old stories from my childhood. Many of which are not pleasant and would have scare off any parents instantly and in turn prevented me from dating their daughters. Why you may wonder, well I was a terror when I was in primary school. And terror is too much a mild term here.

I remember I cause alot of mischief. So much that my best bud heard about my name before he event knew me back then. Kinda like my name strikes fear. Till today, I am not too sure some of my old friends (like kopiwriter) knew the whole crime I ever commited.

I fought almost every year, I stole from many in my class, I pour stuffs into their water bottle, I left their bags under a tree of red ants, I made 2 friends quarrel just to see the fun of it, I shot paperbullets till they cry, I destroyed my friend's fav pencilbox, etc.... i can go on and on

I am sure many will read and wonder if those unknown acts that happened to them are done by me. Yes you out there, I am sorry for all those shit. I was pure evil then, I did it for amusement and revenge. No need to question why I picked on you, I just did because I was petty. Smallest thingy worked me up.

The most common sin I was known for was that I fought alot. May the opponent be bigger than me, smaller than me, younger or older, it doesnt matter. I aint fussy. It just that I din like you alot back then.

Anyway after a phonecall with my dear, I looked back at all this and found what triggered all this chain of events. In my 1st year at school, I din mix very well with the Chinese community. I aint exactly the kind who sticks to color. My good friend back then was Fadz. And he hangs out with a couple of Malays and Indians. After some time of getting to know them, they (with exception from Fadz) began picking on me.

It lasted for a real long time. I gave up explaining my bruises, the cuts and my broken pencil to my mom. I was being tortured but I aint going to cry and hope my mom will give him a shouting. So I did what I had to do to get even. Since they are big in numbers, full frontal would be silly. The only solution would be stealth. I sneaked around when no one is around and stole their stuffs. Its amazing how quickly bullies are reduced to tears when they found their favourite pencil cases gone.

Soon after, I became far more creative and adventureous. I stole one of the bullies stuff and hid it in another bullies bagpack. They started fighting and oh its so wonderful to see them hit each other. Oh btw, the stuffs I stole I never kept. Since I cant stand the sight of them, I always ended up throwing their stuffs into the school pond. Anyway, after each plot went successfully with the gang falling apart, I upped my operation towards the kingpin.

His name is Vinash. I still remembered him. I wanted him one-on-one. I challenged him and he accepted. We fought many times and not once there was a clear victor. Those recess bells always rang too soon. But opportunity arrived soon enough. He was running down this sandy slope. hehehehehehe. I leave this to your imagination.

With him bleeding badly on both his kneecaps and arms, his mom thought that someone was bullying him. She changed him to another stream and I never get to see him again. And I became his bully. Such a weird turn of events.

Anyhow from that day onwards, I told myself that I would never be the victim again. If I am push, I will push back harder. If I am punch, I will punch harder. Never again would I be the losing end.

Looking back now, I never regret my actions. I did what I had to. If I have a son now and he is made to fight. I would be proud if he could stand up and beat the crap out of his bully. He has my support and I wont even punish him.

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