Aug 22, 2005

Wilkie Wonka i like

This is prehaps one of the most amusing and highly anticipated show of the year. I am so glad to catch it recently.

It brings me back to my good old childhood where an hour of classes was set aside per week for reading lessons. Needless to say, we always hide our teens magazines or comic between the pages and pretend to be interested. Had it not been for the monthly quiz we have to take I would not have read that wonderful piece.

No spoilers

Johnny Depp's performance was amazing. I just cant imagine how he can morph himself into so many different roles. His protrayal of Wilkie Wonka was scary I feel. The large wide smile along with those perfect teeth creeps me out. It sorta reminds me of MJ too. I somehow wonder why.

Tim Burton imagination has never been better ever since he did Big Fish. The amazing technicolors of the factory were surrounded by the greying town city which gives the impression of a fantasy world found in a real world. Much like Disneyland, Skywalker Range or even MJ Neverland.

I cant seem to stop finding reference from that movie and MJ

Anyhow the only complaints I do have are those of the oompas loompas. (I din check the spelling) Their endless signings breaks the flow of an otherwise good show. I guess Tim Burton would have left it out, had it not been found in the book. Sighs. You cant win them all.

Still its a good watch.

Hey Edwina, if you are reading this, I would have catch it with you. Too bad you aint around. Do have a great time in Korea. Study hard, but dun forget to have fun.

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