Aug 24, 2005

Bluetooth adverts

Just slightly under 2 years ago, 6 team members along with myself were assigned to come up with a product or service which we can market and made to write a hundred pages report along with multiple presentations to convince our would-be investors.

This simple project took up most of our time back then. We din quite gotten along too well after that and not too many of us kept in contact after that. Anyhow, at the very start of it, we each have to come up of 3 ideas (a total of 21 ideas) and try to find something we like. In the end, my primary idea was selected. It was called InfoGear.

I had a vision to install a bluetooth broadcasting device onto bus stop where giant adverts are displayed. It will constantly broadcast bluetooth ads to any device that wants to listen. Much like handling phamplets out on the streets but in a more effective and creative way. Never did I expect someplace out there, someone actually did it.

Tsk tsk, I should have patent this idea. Anyhow, I did foresee that bluetooth ads will also be the new spam.... *evil grin*

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