May 30, 2005

Courtesy campaign needed

One of the biggest thing I observed during my trip to australia is that australian are really friendly. On top of that they are seldom rude and really courteous.

A simple example is something that happens to be on a daily basis. I am kind of a laid back person (otherwise known as lazy). I tend not to rush at all. When boarding the train I would wait till the people inside would leave first before I embark. And most of the time I would be the last to embark.

In sg, everyone seemed to be in a hurry. I can understand if its office hours and so on, but during the weekend I cant understand why would people be waiting in front of the door and cant wait to jump on before the train even stop. It blocks the people inside from leaving.

In aus, the ppl outside would patiently wait for the last person to step out before even moving forward. Its real soothing to see that. Especially on a some occasions when I was carrying my luggage ard. I simply cant imagine that happening in sg. I doubt I would be able to escape from the train at all.

I would like to see a change in the mindset of ppl here. It would be nice if we all could step aside a wait for a few minor seconds. Sadly I doubt so.

Till then, I will carry on as I were. If ever I disembark a train and a group of ppl decide to block my exit, I will just stand in front of them till they make way for me.

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