May 23, 2005

Day 7 in Brisbane

Its a lazy day for us today. We had initally plan to wake up early to make it to the city early and climb mount coot ta early. but after realising that we will only sleep for 4 hrs if we do so, we quickly abandon the plan. My missy aint feeling too well also.

So we sleep in and allow the hot sun to burn our butts as an indication that its time to get up. Its probably 12 noon before we decided what we had to do. She has to go down to the city to collect her book which is a 1 hr train ride. (I am beginning to appreciate singapore a whole lot more every single day) When we arrived, we collected her Lingo book, had lunch and decided to jump onto the citycab which is really a high speed boat. It brought us to her main campus at toowong (yes too wong).

UQ was really nice. I love the shades of the wall tiles and the color of the light which bounce of it. sigh, all my uni life I am stuck in my lab.... Anyhow, we realised how late we are and had sushi buffet nearby. I must say that is more fried stuffs on the moving train than I have seen in singapore.

We came back real late today and its rather chilly outside. I know I am going to miss this cool wonderful weather when I leave on wed. Of course I will miss her more ;P

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