May 13, 2005

Day 1 in Brisbane

Goodbye sydney. I have a wonderful time there. I will miss you no doubt. Thanks Martin, for the lodging and putting up with my endless snoring. Thanks Morgan for bringing me out for a fabulous dinner the night before. Thanks Evan for meeting me up although you are super rushed for time. Thanks all.

Not to forget, take care Edwina. Have fun on your 21st birthday there. Yes I know its going be sometime soon. I will catch up with you when you return.

Anyway, Martin sent me to the airport bright and early. We said our goodbyes before he promptly drove off. I told virginblue to brissy and was glad that they are fairly on the dot with their scheduling. I need them to be efficient for I am returning on 25th.

I took the train alone (cue in Mr lonely-Akon) and arrived at Ipswich waiting for my dearest. She was late... but when she arrived I cant explain the feelings deep inside of me. I am so glad to see her and hold her once more.

We soon went back to her place to dump my stuffs before heading out again. The weather in Brisbane is not as cold as Sydney and I actually sweat for the first time in a week. We toured around the city which was nice and went back taking the last bus and train. Oh well, the late timing here is not as late as in Singapore but I guess I can use a change for a while.

I hope to upload some photos soon.

Take care NDR, sleep well over the weekend.

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